Steve Daut Storytelling


The events listed below include events of special note and a schedule of some events that are open to the public. THEY DO NOT INCLUDE PRIVATE EVENTS, COACHING OR WORKSHOPS. If you need more information on any of the events listed, please feel free to contact Steve

Ongoing/monthly events:

Meeting, open to the public, 4th Sunday, 2pm, Ann Arbor Public Library
Come tell or listen! Everyone is welcome.

Story swap for members,  2nd Sunday, 2pm, Ann Arbor Public Library


Host, Online Story Swap 3rd Sunday, at 2pm, ZOOM
For details, send me an email


Events to Watch For
February 23, 2024

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Some 2025 Highlights
February 21, 2025

-This is a partial list of public events coming up in 2025. To stay posted, join my email list.

-Steve acts as producer, MC, and storytellers for this annual event at The Ark in Ann Arbor

-In New York, I'll be conducting a workshop at Sharing the Fire and telling stories at some NY schools

-In June I'll be MC for a charity funraiser for the incredible Chelsea-based organization, Faith in Action 

-I have plenty of stories ready for Summer Reading Programs in the area

-In Altanta, I'll be conduting a workshop for storytellers at the National Storytelling Network 

-Watch for programs that include family friendly, and not-so-friendly ADULT Scary Stories at The Ypsi!

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Sharing the Fire
March 28, 2025

At the end of March, I'll be presenting a workshop at Sharing the Fire, a storytelling festival in Glen Falls, New York, and then it's on to a private school event in New York the following week.

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